Spread The Word!

Want to get involved?

We have lots of ways you can contribute!

Pick what’s right for you and dig in.

Hand out brochures to any interested friends, family, neighbors, or coworkers, or maybe even at a place of business or civic institution. People are very responsive when a friend, family member, or neighbor speaks highly of something.

Yard signs work! They are the way many of our current owners first learned about HFC. Owners, make a splash by joining the Yard Sign Blitz!

An HFC Outreach Team representative can tell your organization or group all about HFC!


Have an information fair or other big event coming up where we could table or set up our booth?

Use your social media for good — help us reach everyone you know. We’ll help you with content ideas; you spread the word.

Know someone who might be interested in joining HFC? Take one minute and start a conversation. We’ve got an Elevator Speech Quick Guide to get you started.