An inspirational look at the dedicated and passionate members of the HFC community who are driving us to opening day

Meet Lauren! 


When and why did you become an owner of HFC?

I became an HFC owner because of my love for community. I became a member during COVID-19, and despite this have been able to get to know and connect with multiple member-owners and volunteers. I am excited to meet more of you and maybe one day see your whole face in person!


Tell us a little about you.

I am a midwestern transplant who, with my husband and Westie, decided the PNW was the place for us. Since then, we have delighted in exploring this beautiful part of the country and are now happy to call HIllsboro home. I also enjoy hosting dinner parties (pre-COVID-19) and all things music.


In what way(s) do you volunteer for HFC and what do you enjoy about your experiences?

I am a member of our outreach team and have recently accepted the exciting role as Event Coordinator for the organization. I am very excited to bring fun and engaging events to our community to spread the word about us and our work!


Lauren’s help is what moves HFC through our development process. We simply cannot do it without her and YOU. Join our happy ranks! Contact Robert at [email protected].